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Bramford Parish Council is here for you.  Councillors meet on the third Monday of every month in the Parish Room, Ship Lane, with items to be considered posted on the village notice boards, in the form of an agenda, a few days before each meeting.  See time table below;-  Members of the public are always welcome to attend and have the opportunity to comment on these items or just see how the Council works.  agenda.

The Council is responsible for many of the amenities in the village, including allotments, churchyard and cemetery, street lighting and cleaning, bus shelters and car parks. It also has overall responsibility for the Village Hall and the Playing Field although these are managed by trustees.

All significant planning applications are examined by the Council and, as a District Council consultee group, comments are considered by the Mid Suffolk planning department when making their decisions.

In discussion with neighbouring parishes, the Council considers more wide-reaching issues.  Councillors are not paid for their work but the amenities the Council provide have to be paid for and a yearly 'precept' is requested from Mid Suffolk District Council to cover this. All Parish Councils operate in this manner and the agreed precept forms a percentage of the council tax you pay.

So, whilst it may not appear obvious initially, the Council indirectly affects you as a resident of Bramford.

Any parishioner of Bramford is entitled to stand as a councillor so, if interested, please contact the Parish Clerk, clerk@bramfordparishcouncil.gov.uk

Council Parish Room
