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Question Time ?

Thu, Jan. 14, 2021 6:00pm

Location: Zoom

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Your questions answered by our District Councillor.

District Councillor James Caston

The village of Bramford is also going through a challenging time that will change the look and feel of the village for many years ahead with three new housing developments and the possibility of one of the biggest solar farms in the region.  I have been approached by concerned villagers asking what is happening to our lovely village.  Bramford Parish Council will always be acting in the best interests of the people of Bramford, but the Parish Council also needs the people of Bramford to stand up and give their views and thoughts.  One of the ways we can all act as one is through our District Councillor, James Caston.  James has therefore opened his office for us all to visit him via the wonders of ‘Zoom’ on Thursday 14th January at 6pm.  Come and say “Hello” and let’s have a talk about your concerns and thoughts, because your voice matters. 

To join the debate follow this link:- https://luxoft.zoom.us/j/94952651686?pwd=Q0QwVE5QODArVnBXTFZGZ2RYbjZ2QT09

Password: 912686 

Or Telephone:
020 3695 0088 then enter 94952651686 when prompted for the id and 912686 when prompted for the password

Looking forward to seeing you there.

Cllr. Lester Powell